To watch your CatheDownload videos on your iPod, at the main menu select Videos >, then Movies >, and scroll to the CatheDownload video you’d like to view. Select the video to play it instantly. You cannot see the names of chapter points on iPod nanos or classics, but if you press the enter button while the video is playing to see the progress bar, you will be able to see divisions within the bar indicating where chapter points are located. You can then tap the skip forward () or backward () buttons to move through the chapter points. Note: If video is not playing on your iPod’s screen, but instead a still image of the video cover appears, press MENU twice, scroll down to Video Settings >, and make sure that TV Out is set to Off. If it is set to On, press the center button in the scroll wheel until it is set to Off. You should then be able to go back to your video and have it play on your iPod’s screen.
Tags: iPod nano, ipod workout, ipod workouts