069 Trisets Legs $9.97

You are purchasing a digital download, not a physical DVD.
Time to think in 3’s. Three groups of three exercises (per group) repeated three times (per group). This steady paced intense leg workout will have your legs “shaking like a chihuahua”. Enough said!!! Wink! A full-sized step with three risers under each side.;
A barbell with two large plates on each side (this will be used for deadlifts so use whatever weight will challenge you for deadlifts). Feel free to substitute with heavy dumbbells if you have that weight increment available at home.; A set of 10,12,& 15 pound dumbbells; A paper plate/disc (we may or may not use this but just have it out and ready in case we do).
47 minutes
*Most Cathe Live download files are between 1 and 3 gigabytes each. Make sure you have enough room on your storage device. **Cathe Live downloads don’t contain chapters or premixes. All sales are final.