To the Max $19.97

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To The Max.This multi-impact step workout never slows down! It starts off with a solid and intense step workout that gets your heart fired up to prepare you for the explosive step tabata drill. After you recover from that, you’ll raise your step height even higher and do cardio interval blasts along with metabolic conditioning drills. This segment consists of movement patterns both on and off the step, mixed with total body explosive movements to ensure you have blasted off unwanted body fat and burned maximum calories. You’ll conclude with metabolic core conditioning and a well earned stretch. Varied step heights and hand weight selections are used to enhance intensity. A variety of premixes are included to deliver the workout that best suits your needs on any given day! So if you’re ready for some serious results in the least amount of time, lets get busy and take it to the Max!
Format: Warm-Up (5:50), Solid Step (7:40), Step Tabata (5:15), 30/20 HiiT (14:15), Compound Leg Work (7:00), Core With Upper Body Focus (7:30), Stretch (6:10) – Total Time 53:40
Premixes: This DVD features 13 Premixes. Click on the Premix tab above for more details.