STS 2.0 Muscle & Recovery 25 Workout Bundle $149.97

You are purchasing a digital download, not a physical DVD.
STS 2.0 Muscle & Recovery is a comprehensive strength training program that will guide you through three challenging phases that each has their own individual formatting and training techniques to help you build strength and muscle. No matter what your lifting preferences are, this series has it all! Total body workouts? Got ’em! All upper body and all lower body workouts? Got ’em! Single body part workouts? Got them too! There is something in this workout program for everyone.
We all know how important exercise is for our bodies and for overall well-being, but we must also remember that exercise does put physical stress on our muscles. Each of the recovery routines included in the STS 2.0: Muscle & Recovery Workout Program will assist in stretching and lengthening your muscles to help restore mobility and flexibility after your heavy weight routines.
The beauty of STS 2.0 is that it can also be used as stand-alone workouts or phases at times when you don’t want to commit to the full-length training program. You can also work within one phase for as long as you want to before moving on to the next. While all the phases focus on strength and hypertrophy, your muscular endurance will also be tested throughout the program.
The STS 2.0 Muscle & Recovery Workout Bundle includes all of the following workouts and their bonuses:
- Super Sets Total Body
- Giant Sets Total Body
- Tri Sets Total Body
- Upper Body 1
- Upper Body 2
- Lower Body 1
- Lower Body 2
- Body Parts Back + Body Parts Biceps
- Body Parts Chest + Body Parts Triceps
- Body Parts Legs + Body Parts Shoulders
- Abs/Core Workouts
- Active Recovery + Total Body Stretch
- Foam Rolling Upper Body + Foam Rolling Lower Body
- Mobility 1 + Mobility 2
- Chair Yoga + Mat Yoga
FREE Cathe Friedrich STS 2.0: Muscle & Recovery Online User’s Guide
An online user’s guide with several rotations, program information and tips, and complete workout instructions will be available to download as a PDF or viewed on your computer. This guide will also include printable workout cards to help you log your weight selections and track your progress as you move through the STS 2.0 program.
Your free User’s Guide can be downloaded by clicking here.