STS 2.0 Foam Rolling Upper Body + Foam Rolling Lower Body $19.97

You are purchasing a digital download, not a physical DVD.
This includes two recovery workouts. In these workouts, Cathe will guide you through the techniques of foam rolling for both the upper and lower body using her orange 36-inch foam roller. Foam rolling is especially effective at times when your muscles are very tight and sore. Cathe will review how to find and focus on your own specific “trigger points” to make the most out of your foam rolling experience. These foam rolling workouts can be used in your fitness program in whichever way works best for you, pre-workout, post-workout, or as a stand-alone workout option. You can also choose to do one or both together at any given time.
Foam Rolling Upper Body
- Total – 19:38
Foam Rolling Lower Body
- Total – 13:04