STS – Disk #36 – Meso #3 – Shoulders Biceps & Triceps Workout Download $9.97

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Length: 67 Minutes
File Size: 923 MB
This is the last Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps workout in this cycle and the final workout in the STS program. You’re going to do eight reps for every exercise today just like you did in your first workout, but you will use the weight from your second workout. If things go as planned you will have no trouble in doing eight reps and will have increased your strength by 5% in only one month.
Congratulations on completing the STS program – You did it! Take next week off from the STS program and enjoy a well deserved active recovery week. You may then either repeat the STS program starting with Mesocycle #1 or try a completely different program before returning to and repeating STS. See www.cathenation.com for a thorough list of additional programs.
Equipment Needed:
barbell, dumbbells, bench, chair and incline bench