STS – Disk #22 – Meso #2 – Chest, Shoulders & Triceps Workout Download $9.97

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Length: 43 Minutes
File Size: 601 MB
This is the last workout for Chest, Shoulders and Triceps in this mesocycle and you will be taking your weights up to an intense 80% of your 1RM for most of these exercises. You will also do drop sets which are one of the best techniques for hypertrophy. Always make sure to select a weight that is 80% of your 1RM for the first set of every drop set. Then decrease your weight by 20% to 30% for each of the two following sets. Whenever you do drop sets in the STS program you should strive to complete 10 reps if possible with only about 10 seconds of rest between sets.
Equipment Needed:
barbell, dumbbells, bench or step, chair, stability ball and mat