Ripped with HiiT Low Impact HiiT One and Two $19.97

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Get ready to ignite your metabolism with two low impact HiiT routines that explode with high energy! Your feet may stay grounded, but your heart rate certainly won’t! Low impact HiiT One challenges you with high intensity, low impact intervals in a very short amount of time. A pair of dixie cups and a yoga mat are all you need to get the job done! In Low Impact HiiT Two you’ll
Do a mix of low impact, rapid fire cardio drills mixed with weighted metabolic exercises for the ultimate fat burning workout! If you’re looking to maximize results in the least amount of time these workouts are for you!
Low Impact HiiT One Workout Details
Warm -Up 5:17
Workout 19:57
Stretch 2:51
Total 28:05
Low Impact HiiT Two Workout Details
Warm -Up 4:17
Workout 22:02
Stretch 3:16
Total 29:35