Lift, Move, & Restore – Functional Pilates Fusion $19.97

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Functional Pilates Fusion contains two workouts:
Lift, Move, & Restore – Functional Pilates Fusion
This active full-body routine begins with a working warm-up before moving into segments which include a mix of strength and conditioning exercises. These exercises have been designed to tone and elongate your muscles, while also improving posture, alignment, mobility, and flexibility. A foam roller, fabric loop, and a mini yoga ball will be used to add intensity throughout the routine.
Length: 33:50
Lift, Move, & Restore – Lower Body Foam Rolling Bonus
This bonus workout will visit standard myofascial release foam rolling techniques before moving into a lower body segment using the foam roller as a fitness prop to challenge your coordination and muscular strength. This workout can be used as a stand-alone routine, but it is also excellent as a lower-body warmup before a heavier-weighted routine.
Length: 18:32