Lift, Move, & Restore – Functional Mobility Fusion $19.97

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Functional Mobility Fusion contains two workouts:
Lift, Move, & Restore – Functional Mobility Fusion
One of the best ways to combat body stiffness and balance difficulties is with mobility training. This active mobility workout includes a variety of dynamic exercises designed to increase range of motion so you can move through your active lifestyle more comfortably, and with improved balance. Throughout the workout there will be times when your heart rate increases, and you will break a sweat. Your body may not make it into all the deepest positions right from the start, so take your time and let your body adjust to this type of training.
Length: 42:28
Lift, Move, & Restore – Low Impact Cardio Bonus
This all-low impact cardio routine includes a variety of fun and effective exercises that will have you breaking a sweat without putting any added pressure on your joints. This workout can be used as an add on to another routine or as a stand-alone express cardio workout.
Length: 14:26