159 Cathe’s Birthday Blast $9.97

You are purchasing a digital download, not a physical DVD.
This class will be a blast!!! But not just any blast, we’ll be having my Birthday Blast live. Bring your noisemakers, party hats & “partay fevah” because I want to be able to have my cake and enjoy eating it too! So get ready to blast off with three 15-minute calorie crushing segments! We’ll do some boxing, some interval blasts and throw in some old school high/lo too. So glove up and let’s burn some!
Boxing Gloves (optional); Party Hats; Noisemakers
51 minutes
*Most Cathe Live download files are between 1 and 3 gigabytes each. Make sure you have enough room on your storage device. **Cathe Live downloads don’t contain chapters or premixes. All sales are final.