Basic Step Workout Video Download $6.97

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Length: 30 Minutes
File Size: 415 MB
This workout was designed to help the exerciser that is new to Cathe and to step aerobics. Basic Step is a 35 minute basic step routine that will hold the interest and truly challenge the beginner stepper for many workouts to come and is the official training DVD for all Step Company steps. While creating this workout, I made sure that basic steps were introduced, taught and put into combinations in a way that made the beginner have to focus and think, but not overwhelm them. Unlike teaching a live beginner class where each and every workout can change to provide further challenge to the participant, a DVD workout does not have that flexibility. For this reason, I have chosen to teach the moves but not over teach them, thereby giving the beginner stepper a new challenge to work towards every time they do the workout. Here is the breakdown:
Warm Up: The warm of this workout is about 6 minutes and contains basic steps, V-steps, alternating knees, repeater, corner to corner moves, rock horse, L-steps, A-steps, turn steps (horseshoe), leg extensions, charleston kicks, and stretches.
Combo#1: We immediately go right into the first combination. Since this first combination comes right out of the warm up, I teach it a little longer than I typically would consider doing. This helps to establish confidence in the beginner stepper. After completing the finished product we do a perceived exertion test.
Combo 2: This is a little more complex and will probably take the beginner a couple of tries to master. We introduce knees around the world, cha’cha’s on the corner, and rock horse along with some other moves. After completing combo two we do another perceived exertion test and a light cool down. This workout concludes with a stretch.
Warm-up 7 min., step combo one 9 min., step combo two 11 min., Stretch 3 min., Total = 30 min
Equipment Needed:
You will only need a step to do this workout