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413 Functionally Fit Express

413 Functionally Fit Express $9.97

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You are purchasing a digital download, not a physical DVD.

This “express-ish” brisk paced, high intensity, total body weight workout is all about enhancing functional fitness. You’ll see a handful of familiar moves put together in an order to keep you training for the game of life by including exercises that involve one or more of the following functional components: strength, balance, coordination, power, range of motion, jumping, lifting, pushing, pulling, bending, twisting, turning, standing, well you get the idea!

Dumbbells (8, 10, & 15 lbs.); Fitness Mat; 2 Gliding Devices

Most Cathe Live download files are between 1 and 3 gigabytes each. Make sure you have enough room on your storage device. **Cathe Live downloads don’t contain chapters or premixes. All sales are final

34 Minutes

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