250 Cardio Leg Block Party $9.97

You are purchasing a digital download, not a physical DVD.
Get ready to “work work” in a series of blocks. One block is solid cardio while the next block is all lower body. It will keep alternating like that! Yessssserrrreee cardio and muscle are about to commence!
Set of 10, 12 & 15 lb. Dumbbells; High Step with 3 Risers (Full-Size Step can be substituted); Barbell with Small, Medium and Large Plates on Each Side (Have your barbell set up with the weight you will use for squats. Dumbbells can easily be substituted for the barbell if you don’t have a barbell.)
55 minutes
*Most Cathe Live download files are between 1 and 3 gigabytes each. Make sure you have enough room on your storage device. **Cathe Live downloads don’t contain chapters or premixes. All sales are final.