2023 Videos Gloved Up and Sweaty $19.97

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Get ready for action in this nonstop, revved-up kickboxing workout! You’ll kick, punch, and jump (if you want to) with a mix of fierce and familiar movements that have been stirred up and supercharged so you can just get in and go! A mix of cardio kickboxing drills and easy to follow combinations will keep your mind and muscles busy from start to finish! Boxing gloves are used in this workout to add intensity to every punch, and although recommended, they are not required.
An energy-packed jump rope bonus to Gloved Up and Sweaty has been included to crush some extra calories. In the bonus you’ll alternate brief rounds of rope jumping with non-rope jumping cardio, for a total of four sweaty rounds! This jump rope bonus can be used as an add on to the main routine or as a stand-alone mini-cardio routine. Although we will use actual jump ropes in this bonus workout, you can easily join in with an imaginary rope if you prefer.
Gloved Up and Sweaty
- Warm Up – 9:35
- Main Program – 29:27
- Total – 39:02
- Jump Rope Bonus – 10:54